Arduino Sensors for Everyone
This book was written to help you and your family breath easier and live healthier lives.
Air is central to our lives, and society cannot function with held breaths. Fine dust and air pollution are worsening and are causing significant damage to society. Air is life-giving, but if we keep producing pollution that dirties the air, it becomes something that endangers all lives. Air pollution and climate change has become an urgent problem for mankind to solve. Air pollutants contaminate air, water, soil, etc., changing the ecosystem and threatening our habitats.
Modern people spend 90% of their lives indoors. One of the trending keywords in 2021 is "Omni-layered homes," meaning houses with multi-functional systems. Because of the Coronavirus, we spend more time indoors. This means that activities that we used to do outside must now be done in our homes. For example, we can enjoy home exercise and can work from home. We can also transform our homes to a classroom one day, and a cinema on another. We are spending considerable time in our homes, and yet we do not realize how important the indoor air is to our health.
Depending on the space and materials used for our homes and other buildings, we can experience other indoor environmental problems such as Sick Building Syndrome, which can be as severe as air pollution. Even when we are outdoors, we are exposed to fine dust, yellow dust, and smog year-round. Air pollution has become part of our daily lives. The problem becomes even more severe in urban areas. It has become harder for us to breath fresh, clean air.
We are currently living in a toxic, air-polluted world, but we do not have to. Everyone has the right to breath clean, fresh air, but it does not come easy. All of us must do our best to reduce air pollution and protect our health.
Sensors are the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Big Data is the foundation of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Artificial intelligence (AI, deep learning, machine learning, etc.) is powered by Big Data, and is being applied in various fields. In the Big Data Era, there is a flood of data from the Internet, and from the huge amounts of data produced by sensors used by individuals, factories, and public institutions.
The Korean government is preparing for the future through the Green New Deal and Digital New Deal. 6G networks are now being developed, and faster Wi-Fi 6E (802.11ax), Bluetooth, and UWB (ultra-wideband) communication speeds allow data to be collected and analyzed more quickly. M2M (Machine to Machine), Internet of Things (IoT), and Internet of Everything (IoE) are in full force and require robust sensors to capture and study all the data produced.
Sensors are seeing increased use in all aspects of our lives. They must be small, robust, durable. inexpensive, and have low power consumption. As IoT begin to dominate our interactions with one another (Hyper Connected Society), an estimated 100 billion objects will be connected and able to communicate through the Internet. Additionally, trillions of sensors will be installed, and the global sensor market is expected to reach a value of 220 trillion won. Smart tools are also being developed that can connect with IoT and make our lives more convenient. This all starts with robust sensors that can quickly and accurately measure data.
I hope that with this book, you will acquire the knowledge to use, prototype, and create various environmental sensors.
We live under the influence of air, and we are currently being exposed to air pollution both indoors and outdoors. If we combine sensors with Big Data, we would be able to create more meaningful data from daily weather data such as air quality, temperature, humidity, air pressure, wind speed, etc.
Words from Beta Testers
Shin Ji-Hoo/Freelancer
Through this book, I was able to build some experience with Arduino and sensors. Detailed instructions on how to use each sensor are provided, and the GitHub library the author has published makes it very easy to implement a sensor. Also, Chapter 6 shows how to monitor sensors remotely using Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, etc. and it was very interesting. Through this book's unique concept of applying sensors to practical use, I've been able to learn new things about the places that I just used to pass by without a second thought. I became much more interested in the environment by measuring temperature and humidity, as well as carbon dioxide, gamma radiation, sulfur dioxide, ozone, and nitrogen dioxide gas content in the air.
• Operating system: Windows 10, Arduino IDE 1.8, Arduino Uno, Arduino Nano
Learning was not difficult. The code library is all prepared. All you have to do is download the and put it in the correct file path (Make sure to have the correct file paths!) Then, you can activate the sensor. This book also covers small sensors operation, correct use of sensors, and the datasheets produced by sensors. I was never curious about the how these small parts worked, but now I am very interested in learning more about them.
I had a very good learning experience, and I recommend this book because it is a good reference for when you’re learning Arduino and doing projects.
• Operating system: Windows 10, Arduino IDE 1.8, Arduino Uno, Arduino Nano
Book Organization
This book consists of six chapters.
Chapter 1 Getting started with Sensors and Arduino Sensors, Arduino, source code libraries
Chapter 2 Fine dust sensor
201 Introduction to fine dust and the fine dust sensor
202 PMS7003 sensor
203 GP2Y1010AU0F sensor
204 PPD42NS sensor
205 SDS011 sensor
Chapter 3 Indoor air environmental sensors
301 DHT22 Temperature-humidity sensor
302 MH-Z19B Carbon dioxide gas sensor
303 ZE08-CH2O Formaldehyde gas sensor
304 CCS811 TVOC sensor
305 GDK101 Gamma radiation sensor
Chapter 4 Outdoor air environmental sensors
401 MQ-131 Ozone gas sensor
402 MQ-7 Carbon monoxide gas sensor
403 MiCS-4514 Nitrogen dioxide gas sensor
404 MiCS-6814 Ammonia gas sensor
405 DGS-SO2 Sulfur dioxide sensor
Chapter 5 Atmospheric environmental sensors
501 BME280 Atmospheric pressure (Barometric) sensor
502 GUVA-S12SD Ultraviolet light sensor
503 MD0550 Airflow sensor
504 QS-FS01 Wind speed sensor
Chapter 6 Fine dust and temperature-humidity meter project
601 16X2 LCD Monitoring with LCD screen
602 HC-06 Smartphone App Monitoring with Bluetooth
603 ESP01 Remote Monitoring with Wi-Fi
604 nRF24L01 Remote Monitoring with RF Communication